Zelexio, reinventing learning

Increase in disability leave: Did you know that

February 3, 2022
Increase in disability leave: Did you know that

Did you know that "the number of disability leaves among teachers in the private network rose from 192 to 289 in the last year, according to figures sent to FEEP by its insurer. Adding the other categories of personnel, 585 workers in the private school network are on disability leave, mainly for mental health reasons.

The turbulence of the pandemic is beginning to take its toll on school staff morale. People have been under constant stress for 22 months. And this year, it's even worse than last.

It's unbelievable how much pirouetting teachers have had to do since March 2020. They've had to rethink all their teaching methods, adapt constantly, and deal with COVID outbreaks, masks and distance learning. It's heavy stuff, and there's no end to it.

Unpredictable working conditions and constantly changing policies have a significant impact on teaching staff. Expectations on all sides (parents, students, management) are high, and the pressure is on to provide adequate support for students in need of more sustained assistance. Teachers' ability to adapt is severely tested by changes in approach, teaching methods and school organization.

When a teacher has tasks added to his day, when do you think he does his corrections or prepares his lessons? Evenings and weekends, with no pay and no recognition."


It's vital to have access to digital tools that will lighten your teaching load and allow you to spend more time with your students.Job sustainability will always be linked to working conditions. Making administrative tasks more onerous will only increase dropout, burnout and understaffing in schools. With Zelexio, you'll be able to simplify your assessments and pedagogical follow-up tasks, and reduce your mental workload right away. Let Zelexio work for you! See for yourself how our platform is an essential tool in your daily tasks. Visit our website and be among the first to access the Explorer package.

The success of Quebec students is a priority for all of us!

The data mentioned in this text comes from the following article: https://www.ledevoir.com/societe/education/662898/hausse-de-50-des-conges-d-invalidite-chez-les-enseignants-au-prive

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