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Students remain optimistic: Did you know that

February 17, 2022
Students remain optimistic: Did you know that

Did you know that as part of the "Journées de la persévérance scolaire 2022", a survey was sent to 500 Quebecers between the ages of 15 and 22 who are currently studying.

The results showed that despite the pandemic's impact on student retention, Quebec students are optimistic about their future. While 47% of young people in school say that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their perception of the future, a strong majority (77%) are optimistic about their future.

According to the survey results, nearly one in three young people (32%) have considered leaving school in the face of the health crisis. However, they seem to remain confident and resilient. Indeed, 81% of respondents said they felt competent and capable of succeeding in terms of the academic goals they had set themselves, and 78% said they were satisfied with their school results.

A young person's school environment can take on many faces. In the survey, over half the respondents (57%) cited a parent as a positive influence on their school perseverance; 37% a teacher; 33% their circle of friends and 29% an adult in their family circle other than their parents. 

For a 4th consecutive year, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is the spokesperson for JPS. These days are an opportunity to remind us all that sometimes a simple gesture of encouragement to persevere can have a very significant positive impact. They are also an opportunity to remind students, parents, school network staff, employers and all national and regional players that they are all essential and have a role to play in helping young people stay in school.

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The data mentioned in this text comes from the following article: https://www.journeesperseverancescolaire.com/ckeditor_assets/attachments/689/jps_cdpsondage2022_vf.pdf

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